Papers on Human Issues
Title: Framework for Debating Finance with Publications and Films
Author: Marcelo Henriques de Brito
Abstract: The initial goal of this work is to present a new pictorial framework with the body of knowledge for financial analysis and portfolio management, including investment instruments as well as the required fundamental and applied knowledge for financial decision making. An additional objective is to list scenes of films and publications in English sorted according to the suggested framework so as to be used with groups and engage them to discuss financial cases and issues in English, since this language is used in the financial industry worldwide. Such recommendations of films and publications target real, practical situations and circumstances accessible by audiences with various backgrounds. A further purpose of this work is to present a procedure to employ surveys during presentations with debates. Such procedure includes the suggestion of collecting answers from attendees using QR code, which enables on-line feedback of the audience using their smartphones.
Keywords: active learning; finance; corporate finance; investment instruments; portfolio management
Suggested Citation:
HENRIQUES-DE-BRITO, MARCELO Framework for Debating Finance with Publications and Films In: EnEPQ 2018 ANPAD (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração), 2018, Porto Alegre. EnEPQ 2018 ANPAD (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração). ANPAD (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração), 2018.